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FAT DOG      zu Rock | Pop   |   letzte Seite

Fat Dog are one of London’s most exciting new bands, conjuring the sort of frenzied and wild live shows not seen in the capital for years. Their debut album WOOF. is a brilliant and mind-bending blend of electro-punk, rock’n’roll snarling, techno soundscapes, industrial-pop and rave euphoria, music for letting go to or, in the words of frontman Joe Love, “screaming-into-a-pillow music”.

  Alle Termine auf einen Blick  
  Tickets für den 11.04.2025 - 20.00 in Mainz
Veranstaltungsort  |  Kulturclub schon schön
  PK Informationen Preis Anzahl Tickets  
  1 Stehplatz 20,20 €   

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